Crazy Road Trip Day 3-4

Crazy Road Trip Day 3-4

Denver – Olathe Wow, how quickly time goes by when one is on vacation. Well, you finally get to a place and some how get settled in and the next thing you know is that you are up and going again. We arrived in Olathe, Kansas around 7:45pm. We were happily greeted by...
Thursday Afternoon Coffee

Thursday Afternoon Coffee

Preparing, Packing and Waiting….Walking…Waiting….Walking November 2nd came and contractions got stronger at a visit with my pre natal doctor. So I raced home…well not really…I drove like an abiding good citizen and made it home safe and sound. Had lunch, got the kids...
Thursday Afternoon Coffee

Thursday Afternoon Coffee

14 days to go, Pumpkins, Costumes, the family of God and milk from heaven Oh how did I feel when I went for a check up and my doctor said, “Your baby is still pretty high up there.” I said, “I sure don’t feel like it.” With that I waddle along and wait to meet my new...
Thursday Afternoon Coffee

Thursday Afternoon Coffee

21 days…I’m not ready…Wii Jeopardy… So today marks 21 days till my due date! How is that even possible? Will I really make it to that very date of 11/11/11? On one hand how cool would that be to have our #3 be born on such a cool date, but the other part of me is like...
Thursday Afternoon Coffee

Thursday Afternoon Coffee

28 days to go, Walle turning three, 2nd Sonogram… Wow…really seven times four equals twenty eight, right? Then if so…and that part of my elementary math is still correct, then that I’m under a month till baby #3 gets here. I feel like the days being in the twenties...

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Thursday Afternoon Coffee

Thursday Afternoon Coffee

34 weeks and counting…. So much has been happening all around us. We got soccer, homeschooling, the end of the photo shoot season for me, and a baby growing with supposedly 6 weeks to go, though I feel like he/she is going to come sooner. Baby is about 4 3/4 pounds...