Baby #3… 3.75 pounds like a large jicama and 16.7 inches long! How is it even possible that there’s only 8 weeks left in this pregnancy. In 8 weeks we will all get to see who this little one is going to be?  Baby Boy Phillips or Baby Girl Phillips. Will he/she have curly hair or straight hair? Afro?!?! He/she must have blonde hair right?!?! Ha Ha! I got it dark skin, blonde afro hair and big blue eyes! That’s it…that’s what he/she is going to look like. I’ve been pretty good about not thinking about what this one is going to look like…or what gender? But now that I’m down to just 8 weeks till we meet …I can say that I’m getting a little anxious.

The thought of not having my hands free in about 8 weeks is a little crazy. It’s been almost 3 years since I’ve held a baby and the thought of that and juggling homeschooling with Chloe and…well yeah Walle. What to do with Walle???? But I know many mom’s out there have been through this and many mom’s are there with me already. When it comes down to it…there will be good days of success and there will be days that will be difficult. That’s just the reality of it! But in the end I know that I have my Lord Jesus carrying me through. I read something the other day…someone one asking what are they missing…they have all these other things checked and was wondering what it was that they couldn’t point their finger on exactly what it was. I didn’t get to respond at that moment, I should have replied with this: I seriously believe that life without a personal relationship with Christ is empty…something will always be missing. I can’t imagine living life without Him now that I’ve had Him in my life since my freshmen year of high school. Maybe there are those out there who don’t understand that because they have not ‘tasted and seen that the Lord is good’…

I can say that because everything else this world has to offer is fleeting…nothing really last forever…not a job, not money, not a house, not friendships, not even marriages….just to name a few. But Jesus….living God…eternal life with Him…that’s something that will last forever. Side note…really eternal life for all of us in the next phase is either with Him or without Him.

So…be thinking…how does one live life knowing that some many things around us is just temporary…and even more how does one live life without Christ.


Oranges courtesy of my Jr. High teacher. Yummy, juicy and we’ve enjoyed every sip of it. Thank you!
