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Martinez Family
Such a small world. As we started to talk, we found out that we are from rival high schools. Battle of the Bears is what we called it. Then we find out that we graduated the same year and then it gets better, we know the same people!
Thursday Afternoon Coffee
So this past week, a few people have been thinking backwards…what I mean is they are looking back into the past of how things were back in our younger days. Some where looking at childhood family pics…I would be one that has received a box(the size of a big box of...
Thursday Afternoon Coffee…
Likes and the don’t likes of the week… Likes: 1. Donut Run to VG’s on Saturday with the family. 2. Getting $20 worth of baked goods and donuts @ VG’s for $5! 3. Great photo shoot @ Moonlight Beach. 4. Watching Walle love the ocean waves. 5. Still fitting into my...