(Leaving Utah)

Here we are in Mile High City…Denver, Colorado! I am sitting in the dinning area at my dear friend’s house. How refreshing it was to arrive yesterday after a 10 hour day of driving and potty stops. You know the feeling …the anticipation of wanting to be somewhere and it just seems to take longer and longer to get there. The 10 hours seemed like forever…and yes it was FOREVER! But we made it. Safe and sound…and somewhat sane.

Being here in her home, with her family, is something that I’ve been waiting for along time. Each time that she and her family made her way to San Diego things happen and we don’t get a chance to see each other. Seeing my friend Liz is a sweet blessing. She’s been there since the very beginning of my walk with Christ. I’m am blessed to call her my friend through all seasons. Even when we don’t get to see each other often, we just pick up where we left off and continue on. I can just be me around her. A few things I love about her…I don’t have to pretend, I don’t have to be someone I’m not and I would and do accept her advice, correction and honesty in so many areas of my life. Also, she’s a great photographer and is soo willing to give tips and always willing to answer questions and have me pick at her brain about photography. I do love that she’s a coffee junkie like me!

I’d love to leave you with some trip quotes/conversations from our clan.

Day 2
4:30am 3:30 California time
Ollie: “Waaa, Grunt. Grunt.” “Where are we..its dark, this does not smell like my mine, ahhhh!”

Chloe: he’s kickin me.

Walle: I’m hungry.

Ollie: Waaaa!!! I’m tired.

Irene: can’t help you bud, you decided it was ok for you to wake up at 4:30am!!!!!


7:45am-Just barely left St.George and listening to veggie tales 80’s remix
Walle: get the blue one!!!! Referring to markers.

Chloe : how do you spell name?
Shay: repeating N….A
Chloe: N….A…what is it again?
Shay: N….A………..M

Walle: Can I have the blue one sister?

Ollie: Chug Chug bottle.

Shay: you going to make it without coffee?

Irene: (thinking where’s my coffee!!!!!???) but nodding head sure!
11:00am -Somewhere in Utah
Chloe: "Are we almost in Chicago?" we just told them we are on our way to Denver

Trying to open my water.
Gush of water goes flying on me…wet pillow, shirt, etc…

Shay:  heh heh "careful contents are under pressure…."

Walle: "heh heh" russling of bags….finds his snacks.

Chloe: "Daddy are we almost in Chicago?" just 15 minutes after she asked it the first time.
Shay: "Just a couple of more days."

Chloe: "is that long?"

Shay: So far we have shaved 7 minutes off our arrival time.
Irene: whooot whoot 7 minutes!!!

Chloe: Can I have my snacks and hasn’t realized her brother already started grubbing on his snacks!

Walle: Mama. Mama.

Irene: Yeah?
Walle: I love you….just after Beaver Utah.

GPS: Drive 490 miles  going east on I-70. (Shay smiles and I shake my head!)

Walle: “When we getting there.”
Irene: 490 miles going east.

Chloe: “Oh no!”
Irene: “What is it?”
Chloe: “My underwear is falling off.”
Stop at Grand Juction and Chloe proceeds to show us how her underwear has fallen off.
Walle : “Maybe because Daddy has been driving for such a long time.”

(high altitude!)
Walle: “Did you remember the sodas in the fridge.”( Hotel back in Utah!)

Chloe: “Are we almost in Chicago?” 150 miles from Denver.
4:40pm: again same question
5pm: again same question
5:15pm: again same question

Walle: “Where we going?”
Irene: Colorado.

Walle: Are we almost in Colorado?
90 miles from Denver.
“Are we almost there? 2 minutes later.
5:38pm:  same questions

“Hold onto your seatbelt!” .Going through tunnel

“Daddy are you old?”
40 minutes till we get to destination and you all know the feeling!

( our friend’s beautiful daughter)

Ollie: “Grunt Grunt” : “When we getting there?”

Chloe: “Other families are on vacation too huh? Probably other dad’s are off work!”

(my sweet friend )

Irene: “My 3rd time in Co!
Kids: “Not me, this is my first time! I’ve never been.”

Irene: “Chloe I saw a deer…that’s cool. (no big deal mom.)

Walle: “I give up!!”

7:25pm: driving up their drive way
Everyone: “Yey we are here, finally!”

Yup, that’s how far we’ve driven!