“this stage of life…”

Wow, two months already!?! My life as mama of three kids 5 years old and under. It has flown by…and I’m still trying to figure out my groove. Am I ever going to find it? I feel lost…sometimes overwhelmed….sometimes a little down. Yup, these are confessions of mama. You may think that I’m all looking fine, rested, energized…but there are minutes, hours, days that I feel EXHUASTED. Nope, I’m not exhausted with my babies if you were wondering…but I often feel exhausted with the day to day things of the house. Yup, the house…can’t I just twitch my nose or wave my finger and all the household chores that need to be done will be done??? Yeah, like in Mary Poppins or that old tv show Bewitched? Ha Ha!


I know that my kids don’t care how the house looks, or if their clothes are folded, even our dog doesn’t care. Look at how he relaxed he is on his bed,  but my perspective is so different. Maybe I feel the way I do, because I’ve defined success in my head as folded clothes, vacuumed and mopped floors, dishes put away, clean counters, toys picked up and put away. I do understand that in all of these things of every day life, it’s not the visual outlook of it all…but the inward attitude of my heart in doing them all. So then I need to redefine my definition of success??? Even if my house is spotless and then in result my kids are miserable, aren’t feeling loved, aren’t being kids able to be themselves and even more they aren’t seeing Christ in me…then a folded clothes, vacuumed and mopped floors, clean dishes, clean counters, toys picked up and put away…a waste of my time, of my life….you name it. I know many who are gone through this stage of life tell me “this stage of life will be gone before you know it…and your kids will be older and you will look back and think if I only had seen the time differently.” I want to be reminded…will you people out there keep reminding me?!?!

As you can see…I’m still trying to find my groove…have you seen it?
