What can I call this Friday post? It’s really hard to find the right word to fit this whole idea
If you look up Frenzy…here’s the definition:

  1. out-of-control behavior: a state of uncontrolled activity, agitation, or emotion
  2. burst of activity: a burst of energetic activity
  3. mental illness: a temporary period of symptoms of a psychiatric disorder.

I don’t know if I like the first and last definition. 😛 So anyone out there who’s super in finding the right words to call my Friday post willing to take a shot? The winner will receive $75 off photo shoot in the Spring 2012. Leave a comment below the post. And I will announce the winner sometime next week.

So back to the every days of life. It’s been almost 2 weeks since our little Ollie arrived. I seriously thought that it’s been months since we’ve had him. That could be due to sleep depravation. I don’t quite remember having to wake up as much as I have during the first week. Some how that’s erased from my memory from having two newborns in the past. I know that God some how makes us forget these things…am I alone in this?

How is it possible that this little guy cannot stand to be away from me? I almost want to make some of my shirts into a blanket and just wrap him in it for a time being, so that he would at least think that I’m holding him. Then a friend mentioned to enjoy the moments because it is short. I think about that and look at Chloe and she’ll be turning 5 next month. I remember bring her little tiny 5 lbs. 12 oz. home the day before Christmas. I am enjoying the late night stares Ollie and I have with each other. Then a miracle happened yesterday that I was able to put him down for a couple of hours at a time so I could get some things done around here. And even now, as I type this (Wednesday morning) having my cup of coffee on the right side of my computer, he sleeps in his car seat so peacefully. I don’t know why he prefers that seat than lying on his back in his bassinet. But, it works for him and I can do some chores here and there.

Life with a newborn…is a little scary at first…life with a newborn, a three year old and an almost five year old….uhh…an exciting adventure. I wouldn’t have it any different. Thankful most of all for my amazing hubby Shay for all the workload he did while he was home for the past week and a half. You are an amazing Papa to our little ones and amazing husband. I dearly love you.

Enjoy some Ollie pictures: hats courtesy of Emily Todd. She’s pretty talented!


So again anyone out there who’s super in finding the right words to call my Friday post willing to take a shot? The winner will receive $75 off photo shoot in the Spring 2012. Leave a comment below the post. And I will announce the winner sometime next week.