
So what do I mean… well let’s define the word transition: “a process or period in which something undergoes a change and passes from one state, stage, form, or activity to another.” I would say this is where I am right now. Well, my whole entire household is in this with me.

Lots of good transitions…

· Finally finished LOST tv series. After being lured and lost in it for a couple months we finally reached the end and were very disappointed about how they ended it. So many questions still unanswered, but I’m glad that it’s finally over and I can move on with my life and sleep peacefully.


·My little Ollie is turning 4 months on the 6th and we finally moved him into his own room. This has caused him to learn to fall asleep on his own and to be content by himself. Funny that even though I’m still getting out of bed once after midnight, I still feel refreshed and energized to tackle the day. It’s most likely due to the idea that I can freely roll anywhere on my bed without the fear of rolling on somebody.

· Chloe is finally able to sit in place while she learns to read. This brings a lot of encouragement in pursuing homeschooling full-time. I know that we are just taking this season by season. I’ve been very scared to take this approach, but there are so many benefits to being able to be the one to teach her, to share the special moments of learning how to read, learning history, seeing the excitement when science experiments are executed correctly with super fun results. These are things that I don’t want to miss.

· With Ollie being able to be left with babysitters, I’m starting to think about photography again. I had to rethink my focus. Since I’m now a mom of three children ages five and under, how was I going to be able to do photography and still keep up with our home and most of all be the wife and mom I’m supposed to be? So I’m making sure to limit the number of clients to take on during school season and to schedule more during the summer when school is not the bigger priority. With that said and school now approaching break I am taking on clients!!! Click on the links for more information on prices and session.  Feel free to email me if you have questions. And first 5 clients to book will get $75 off…this can only be applied to family/pregnancy/senior/engagement portraits. 

Lots of exciting things happening for us at home, and as spring and summer are just around the corner I feel hopeful that I will be able to manage life a little better even with just a few minor changes here and there. It’s amazing how small transitions like ending a television series, a baby moving out into his own room, a 5 year old desiring to learn how to read, photography sessions not taking place every weekend can make you feel like you are able to breathe again.