Lemons…more lemons…and “If only I had”…
It’s funny that we are surrounded by lemons! Actually we aren’t the ones who are surrounded by lemons…it’s the nice friends that we have in our lives that are supplying us with countless supply of lemons. We receive them and then think WOW what am I going to do with all these lemons and then we make lemonade and it’s all gone. So those of you who are reading this and have lemons to get rid of, please let us know we would be happy to receive them. Nope we aren’t shy to ask for them.
So our little blessing growing inside of me is being compared to a size of a lemon. They say 3 ½ inches long…can squint, frown, grimace, pee (something all of us needs to know), and suck his/her thumb. As I look over the lemons in our house that we’ve been showered by some pretty awesome people, I would have to say, well I don’t know if that would fit the description. I mean do you see these Meyers lemons! I had to look for something close to the “normal” 3 ½ inches. I would have to say it would be pretty crazy if I was carrying a multiple of these Meyers lemon and being only 14 weeks along! My kids think it’s pretty hilarious that each week the size of the baby is being compared to some kind of fruit or vegetable…but then they get to visualize it. Each week they ask if they can feel the baby move or if they can hear it if they listen close to my tummy. And when they do listen they say, “it sounds like someone is burping in there”.
Where would my life be now? Do you ever ask yourself that question? I don’t know about you…but I think I go through this thought process here and there. Many times our minds are filled with these thoughts like, “if only you….” How would you finish the sentence? I think there are times I think…if I only I waited to get married and then….all these craziness fills my thoughts! Like I’ve missed out on something…then I come back to reality and realized with great appreciation that God has me where I am supposed to be. My journey with my best friend Shay began almost 10 years ago…would I really trade that for “If only I had….” I have these blessings of children in my life that I wouldn’t trade for any “If only I had…” My life without the almost 4 of them would be so different. I wouldn’t be who I am today without them. So wherever you are…remember you are there for a reason…maybe some decisions you have made haven’t been the best and maybe some of them have been the greatest thing you’ve ever done(like me marry the best dude on earth!)…but here is where I am! This is where I am supposed to be.