1. Kind of have to, she’s family!
2. Only other sibling that is a girl.
3. Her birthday is easy to remember…cause mine is 9/1 and hers is 10/2
4. She never really borrowed (stole) my clothes, especially socks, like my brothers did.
5. She loves my cooking!
6. She drinks coffee.
7. She’s my fashion guru.
8. She has as many pairs of shoes as Imelda Marcos?
9. She can eat ice cream for breakfast.
10. She grows her hair long and donates it.
11. She has great taste in music.
12. She’s smart, but is not all about telling the whole world about it. (Ooops, now everyone knows! Sorry Jenn)
13. She spells her nickname Jenn.
14. She has good taste in food.
15. She loves to travel…wonder where she’ll go in the next few years.
16. She has no favorites…at least I don’t think she does. No Jenn, it’s me right?
17. She loves her nieces and nephews…enough to help them understand that discipline is necessary.
18. She’s not fake, she tells it like it is.
19. She doesn’t make herself to be someone else so that people would like her.
20. She’s humble.
21. She loves the Word.
22. She is mindful of her relationship with her Lord and Savior.
23. Well, cause she is my sister and I LOVE Her!